Our Products


Aromatic Wine Spirits.

Aromatica essences can be used to improve any wine, or can “repair” a wine that may have been damaged (for example during VA filtration, etc.). Our Wine Spirits Additions (WSAs) are captured from great recent vintages, including varietals from all regions of California. Please contact us to request samples (available to Bonded Wineries only).


Smart Condensers.

All of our condensers are designed for maximum capture efficiency without compromising the winemaker’s art. Simply connect the fermenting tank, house glycol (or other refrigerant), and a collection vessel. Then watch as you start collecting high value essence! Architectures are available for segregated collection (one condenser per tank), or centralized collection (many tanks on a manifold to a single condenser).

Example of a large centralized system, with 24 tanks connected to a single smart condenser.

Example of a large centralized system, with 24 tanks connected to a single smart condenser.